{DIY} Christmas Card Display

One of my favorite things about the holiday season are all the Christmas cards we get in the mail. Every year, they end up going in a basket that sits on the counter, and then every once in a while we will dig through it and look at all the smiling faces. This year, I decided it was time for a change so that we could enjoy all the cards every day, out in the open.

Thanks to pinterest, it wasn’t hard to come up with different ideas on how to display the cards.

This is our display this year!

All you need is some sort of seasonal/holiday sign, ribbon, a staple gun, a command hook and some laundry clips.



Attach the ribbon to the back of your sign with a staple gun. Then, hang a command hook upside down on the back of the door, so it is not visible from the front of the door.




103What do you think? Do you have any fun ways you display your cards every year? It’s so fun to have them up and all in one spot. Everyone who comes over all ways takes a minute to look at all the beautiful cards!

The Most Pinteresting Thing of the Week: December 14th

Here are my top 10 of the week!

I have clients all the time complaining to me about finger prints and hand prints from their little ones on the walls… I wonder if something like this would work as a temporary fix (and cover) for some areas… like a mud room or hallway. I’m sure they make a pattern that isn’t quite so bold…


Love this bathroom. Simple, clean, and beautiful.


Clients also ask me what to do with their big stair landing and window… this is a great idea! Gotta love more storage!


What a great cabinet color for something different!

Love these colors for an updated french country…

Fun DIY idea… those pesky tv walls and what to do without having to spend a ton of money paying for a built in cabinet… this would be great for an apartment or rental.


Love this idea for your kids… what a sweet thing for them to have someday when you are gone.


What a great idea for kids when you are traveling. No fighting and so organized!


This would probably my choice of bridesmaid dress color if I was getting married now.


I still really want to wrap my Christmas gifts like this this year… but seriously I might just need to take a week of no sleeping to get all of this done!



The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: November 23rd

Here are my top 10 of the week!

How adorable to dress up boring bi-fold closet doors for a nursery or little girls room!

On the girl’s room theme, I love making use of vintage prints or even old calendars and creating beautiful wall decor. Cost effective, a large amount makes a statement, and you have something to do with the pretty pictures once the year is over!

This is adorable! On my “To Make” list…

I love entry ways that make a big statement! You don’t have to have a gigantic house to create a wow factor when your guests enter your home.

I’m liking these lights… just a little twist on a common pendant…

Dahlia’s mixed with peonies! Love it!

Party planning… this is a great chart! I am the queen of making too much food for a party! I’ll have to give this a try to see if it works out.

Found another awesome wallet… I love that it holds cards, cash, and your iphone!

People, I’m telling you, you have to try this recipe! They are seriously addicting and may force you to go to the gym and extra day this week!

I love seeing designers I know’s work gone viral 🙂 Check out the rest of her work here

The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: November 9th

Here are the top 10 of the week!

Only 1 more I miss summer pic… and then I have to stop! But seeing this dress REALLY makes me miss summer!

I love the color of the TB flats! Reminds me of grown up ballet slippers 🙂

Isn’t this room pretty? I love the height of the headboard!

Cute pillow isn’t it? My client actually sent this to me and I love it!

I finally went to National Camera Exchange to get educated on what camera I wanted to buy, Cannon vs. Nikon, and the extremely help guy there convinced me that I actually should get the Sony A37… going to have to have major discussions with my bro and sis-in-law about this because I know they will have major opinions! What are your thoughts???

I pinned this for a friend who is building a house and wanting to do something after the fact to the fireplace. I would never put this on a backsplash, I can’t imaging cleaning it… but something similar in a larger scale could be nice for the fireplace and DIY friendly…

Alright, it’s just about time to decorate for the holidays. I don’t know why I am lacking motivation this year… just feels to soon, and yet we are into mid-November already! So the next images are to get my behind in gear!

For some reason I am really into rustic/natural holiday decorating this year… this is a cute way to mix it in without going over the top!

Front entry look?

Louie is too small this year, but I cannot wait to start all the holiday activities next year! This is such a cute idea, wrap 25 separate items and each day they pick out a holiday activity to do as a family that day!

I have an addiction to boxwood… I want to rip out all of my landscaping and plant boxwoods EVERYWHERE! Every year I tell myself I’m going to buy boxwood wreaths for Christmas, maybe this will be the year I finally do it!

Organization Heaven!!!

Some of you may know how big of an organizing freak I am! I have an addiction to buying planners, calendars, binders, dividers, SHEET PROTECTORS (I know I know I’m a total nerd)…

Here is the latest planner I purchased on our trip to Palm Springs: (I told Charlie not to worry, he could give it to me as a Christmas present 😉 )

Once I bought this planner, I realized I still need something bigger to plan out my business goals, blog posts, and website/Facebook page updates.

I thought maybe I should start with something that didn’t cost quite as much money… (he might kill me otherwise!)

I began to peruse the internet looking for big printable templates, calendars, and other organizational tools. Of course Pinterest was a HUGE help, and fellow bloggers also were very generous in sharing their creations that have helped them. I had to share with you all, in case anyone out there gets as excited as I do about cute, organizational things, that are FREE!

First, a few adorable printable calendars. Check back with these websites, I have a feeling the 2013 calendars will be coming out soon!

Free printable 2012 calendar from www.thetomkatstudio.com

You have to visit The Tom Kat Studios website! There are TONS of free printables, including the calendars above, all sorts of different holiday/party invites and decor, gift tags, etc. etc.

Another website, similar to Tom Kat Studios, is 505-design.com. Here is their free printable calendar for 2012:

www.505-design.com free printable calendar

And then I found this website who offered free templates for blogger organization. Dream! I love to be organized, but one thing I am not skilled in is the graphic design part of all of it. I want it to look cute and have no idea how to create it on the computer. http://www.evelynkatedesigns.com was generous enough to create an adorable template, and share it for FREE! (Can you tell I like freebies?)

Evelyn Kate Designs Blogger Organizer template

Not a blogger? She also created some other really fun templates:

Adorable recipe cards, download in all sorts of different colors here!

A weekly cleaning calendar:

Hmm… this looks depressing… but really with lots of kids running around I could see how it would be helpful!

And the last website I found- another adorable blogging organizer and calendar. Www.infarrantlycreative.net has all sorts of free printables, you should check them out!

A nice organized to plan out ideas for blog posts! Click here to view the complete “how to” tutorial.

A few other printables they have:

A Chore Chart for the kiddos! How cute is this???

DIY gift labels!

So cute and inexpensive! Click here for the entire tutorial!

So there you have it! It’s amazing what you can find on the internet!

Do you have any websites you go to for fun free printables? I’d love to hear all about it!

The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: October 19th

Here are my top 10 of the week!

Been doing a lot of DIY this week! Blog posts to follow! Here is a fun DIY we might have to try- a cute way to decorate an office or area of a basement…


How cute is this! For when babysitters come over…


Wanting to organize the office space we do have, isn’t this a cute idea?


My favorite thing to drink for the holidays- how cute is this? And sounds like the recipe is REALLY good!


Sweet and sour chicken recipe- I’ll have to try this one!


Definitely doing this for our next wreath, so cute and easy!


I’ve heard this book is good, anyone else read it yet?


A very inexpensive way to decorate for weddings or holidays- baby’s breath, not done tacky!

Love wine cellars! This is so unique!


Going to a wedding tonight, wish I had this to wear!


That’s it! Until next week, happy pinning!