Giuliana and Bill: I Love You and Your New Home!

Ok… I have to admit my addiction to certain reality tv shows… ie. Giuliana and Bill, Million Dollar Decorator, and shhh… Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. But I have an excuse, can you watch anything on tv where you can see better homes and interior design? Seriously, the houses on these shows are AH-MAZING…

Before I started watching Giuliana and Bill I have to admit, I kind of found her annoying. I didn’t get her, didn’t get her story or why she was famous. But one episode of their show changed my mind. And now, I think I have a girl crush on her. Here’s the deal, they are actually somewhat of a real couple, and have gone through real life experiences. I connected with them on their infertility issues, her battle with cancer, and now their beautiful baby boy. AND… they just bought and re-designed the most adorable house in LA… so cute I just had to share with all of you in case you missed it! Designed by the fabulous LA designer Loni Paul.

Baby Duke’s Nursery

Another view of the nursery

Gorgeous family room

Simple and classic dining room

Love this living room!

Eat in kitchen with casual classic cabinetry.

Ok and seriously this backyard?

To die for!

Outdoor living room… if only this would last in Minnesota!

I could move in right now. Love everything about it! Beautiful house for a beautiful couple 🙂

A Feminine AND Masculine Bedroom

I hear time and time again from my clients the struggle with having a master bedroom that feels comfortable for both the husband and wife. Women tend to like soft light colors, which a lot of times makes the men feel like it’s “too girly”. Here is an idea board that ties the two together. Soft light colors mixed with fur, antlers, and masculine artwork. Brain storming today and thought I would share 🙂
masculine and feminine master bedroom

Historic Farmhouse Restoration- Southern Living Idea House

Thanks to the wonderful world of the internet we have the opportunity to tour so many more beautiful homes than normally possible!

This is definitely one you don’t want to miss!

Who doesn’t love a good ole’ fashion farmhouse? And this one definitely takes it to the next level….


Love how they added the wrap around porch, it wouldn’t feel like a real farmhouse if they didn’t right?


The oversized pendants make a real statement in this kitchen…

Living Room:

They talk about the size of the pillows on a large sofa… these are 26″ square! It really shows that using bigger accessories can really help balance out large furniture.

Dining Room:

I love using white linen panels… almost doesn’t feel like anything is up and yet adds so much softness to the room!

Keeping Room:

I LOVE the painted walls… such a fun pattern without being too busy!

Master Bedroom:

See… Antlers! They are everywhere and again this is a good example of them not feeling too masculine.

Guest Room:

Again love the pattern repeated in this bedroom…

So what do you think? Don’t you wish you could vacation here in the summer????

To see the full tour you can go here.

The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: October 5th

Here are my top 10 of the week!

Love these flowers in the mercury glass, so romantic!

I just love newborn photography… so stinkin’ cute!

Cute, not cheesy fall decor…

This is a cute DIY project… could be cute for a play area, or home office area.

For a lake home, I like the idea of mixing wood with the white trim. This may be too white of a kitchen, but the concept is getting me thinking…

Working on a living room right now with an inset bay window like this. Makes window treatments tricky, but I think the simplicity of these treatments work for this style.

I’ve gotten a lot of staging requests lately. The thing with staging is people do not typically want to invest a lot of money into it. This is a simple way to decorate a table or kitchen island that has little cost…

Another great way to make a room feel bigger… love these mirrors that replicate windows!

This is a good idea! So true about having to cook your whole way through breakfast… love that this allows you to sit down with the rest of the family!

Yummy quiche recipe!

Until next week, happy pinning!

The Most PINTERESTING Things of the Week: September 21st

Here are my top 10 of the week!

Love this Jonathan Adler bedding!

I really love this bed… a twist on the oh so popular upholstered headboard…

Cute new chair from Ballard Design… I’m really starting to dig their upholstery line. Such a great price!

So funny when I come across things that I showed interest in before… just saw that I had pinned these pendants and now we are possibly using them in a clients home!

Love this! I had to share! A new app for your phone where you can photograph your children’s artwork, and then have it made into a book to keep later!

I LOVE this for a nursery! Sooo cute and soooo easy!

Getting ready to start planning a baby shower- and we are going to have a baby pool. This is a cute way to do it!

Love these sunglasses! So girly 🙂

Louie’s Grandma Bena just bought him these Sperry’s, and they are by far my favorite shoes so far. You really do get what you pay for… they fit so well, easy to get on, and STAY on!

Don’t these look yummy? Definitely going to have to try this recipe!

That’s it for this week! Until next time, happy pinning 🙂

The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: September 7th

Here are my top 10 pins for the week!

How cute is this for a back entry? Wouldn’t this brighten your day?

A seriously romantic bedroom… LOVING the chandeliers hung over the nightstands instead of having one chandelier in the middle of the room! Soooo pretty 🙂

I was working with a client this week on adding a pantry to her kitchen plan. I love this idea of using up the wasted space in the corner of a kitchen. You don’t have to sacrifice much cabinet space for this!

How cute are these? I love everything monkey on Louie… there are A LOT of monkeys on boys clothes….

How darling are these booties? I think they could be unisex don’t you?

You have to click on this picture to get the recipe… but it actually sounds delicious!

I’m going to try this… put it on my DIY list!

These are so cute… might be making them for the baptism next weekend!

What do you think about painting a vanity a color? I’m loving this soft gray…

Interesting color for a door… I’m kind of diggin it…

That’s it for this week! What do you think of these? Anything inspire you?

The most PINTERESTING things of the week: August 24th

Here are my top 10 pins of the week!

New project this week! Bathroom remodel- with a modern twist! Super excited to start on this!

Love the clean lines on this cabinetry. The framed mirror is great… The floors are great too! So sophisticated!

Accent wall of tile… such a fun way to dress up a boring wall!

So… we made a mistake by not buying the ottoman that came with our chair in the nursery. Every night we miss having one. I worry about ordering it now and having issues with dye lots (designers nightmare) so I’ve been trying to decide on an ottoman that is totally different then the chair. Found this on pinterest… maybe my next DIY project???

If this is as easy as it sounds I should start selling them, because this is C U T E!

Now that I’m lugging a baby every where with me… the high heels are taking a vacation. I’m more obsessed with flats then ever, and these are definitely my next purchase!

Man do baby stores know how to sucker moms into buying their kids all sorts of clothes… put ears on any shirt/sweatshirt/jacket and it will end up in Louie’s closet!

This is one of those dresses that I KNOW I couldn’t pull off… but have a STRONG feeling that one of my beautiful friends HAVE to buy it… Hillary this alllllll you!!!!

So my niece has a stuffed animal monkey, and this monkey does EVERYTHING Louie does when they are together. If Louie drools, Monkey is drooling… if Louie is fussy Ari says Monkey is being fussy. My sis pinned this pic and I love it so much I had to repin! We have to make these for Ari… it would make her week!

Every once in a while I start to dream about building our next house… and then I see this picture and it makes me want to call a builder tomorrow 😉

And I would like to have this in my backyard…

The most PINTERESTING thing of the week: August 17th

Here are my top 10 pins of the week!

Inspiration for another DIY project for a client- how to coming soon!

Love love love these!!! One of my complaints on pinterest is when the pictures aren’t linked to the site where you can purchase the items- or at least a source listed… if anyone knows where these are from, PLEASE let me know 😉

Isn’t this dress to die for??? It looks comfortable enough to sleep in!

Working on lighting for a clients new home they are building… I love this fixture… so many places you could use it. Entry way foyer, a couple of them over an island, over the bathtub as shown here…

Dorky or cute Christmas present idea for Grandparents this year? Of course I would match to the colors of their trees… hmm…. wonder if I could get Louie to hold his foot still enough?

Working on accessories to wrap up a clients living room project. I’m loving the mercury pieces everywhere! These are from west elm, so affordable and so cute!

Oh my do I love this Hermes belt… not that I would wear it with cut off jean shorts… I googled it and well, lets just say I would have to get a couple of FABULOUS jobs before I could justify it… but it’s just so pretty 🙂

Working on a baby nursery right now… how cute would these be over a crib? Love these to replace the mobiles of the past…

Have I told you about Land of Nod? Crate and Barrel’s kids line? Darling things for reasonable prices! Isn’t this crib adorable?

My new car 🙂 Cars can be pretty can’t they???