{DIY} Christmas Card Display

One of my favorite things about the holiday season are all the Christmas cards we get in the mail. Every year, they end up going in a basket that sits on the counter, and then every once in a while we will dig through it and look at all the smiling faces. This year, I decided it was time for a change so that we could enjoy all the cards every day, out in the open.

Thanks to pinterest, it wasn’t hard to come up with different ideas on how to display the cards.

This is our display this year!

All you need is some sort of seasonal/holiday sign, ribbon, a staple gun, a command hook and some laundry clips.



Attach the ribbon to the back of your sign with a staple gun. Then, hang a command hook upside down on the back of the door, so it is not visible from the front of the door.




103What do you think? Do you have any fun ways you display your cards every year? It’s so fun to have them up and all in one spot. Everyone who comes over all ways takes a minute to look at all the beautiful cards!

The Most Pinteresting Thing of the Week: December 14th

Here are my top 10 of the week!

I have clients all the time complaining to me about finger prints and hand prints from their little ones on the walls… I wonder if something like this would work as a temporary fix (and cover) for some areas… like a mud room or hallway. I’m sure they make a pattern that isn’t quite so bold…


Love this bathroom. Simple, clean, and beautiful.


Clients also ask me what to do with their big stair landing and window… this is a great idea! Gotta love more storage!


What a great cabinet color for something different!

Love these colors for an updated french country…

Fun DIY idea… those pesky tv walls and what to do without having to spend a ton of money paying for a built in cabinet… this would be great for an apartment or rental.


Love this idea for your kids… what a sweet thing for them to have someday when you are gone.


What a great idea for kids when you are traveling. No fighting and so organized!


This would probably my choice of bridesmaid dress color if I was getting married now.


I still really want to wrap my Christmas gifts like this this year… but seriously I might just need to take a week of no sleeping to get all of this done!



The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: November 23rd

Here are my top 10 of the week!

How adorable to dress up boring bi-fold closet doors for a nursery or little girls room!

On the girl’s room theme, I love making use of vintage prints or even old calendars and creating beautiful wall decor. Cost effective, a large amount makes a statement, and you have something to do with the pretty pictures once the year is over!

This is adorable! On my “To Make” list…

I love entry ways that make a big statement! You don’t have to have a gigantic house to create a wow factor when your guests enter your home.

I’m liking these lights… just a little twist on a common pendant…

Dahlia’s mixed with peonies! Love it!

Party planning… this is a great chart! I am the queen of making too much food for a party! I’ll have to give this a try to see if it works out.

Found another awesome wallet… I love that it holds cards, cash, and your iphone!

People, I’m telling you, you have to try this recipe! They are seriously addicting and may force you to go to the gym and extra day this week!

I love seeing designers I know’s work gone viral 🙂 Check out the rest of her work here

{Recipes}: A few Pinterest recipes I had to share!

It’s been a while since I’ve shared some success recipes from pinterest. These two recipes are totally different and definitely do not go together, but they are both delicious and I wanted to share the love ❤

Recipe #1: Homemade Crunch Wrap Supreme

Original recipe and pictures from here.

In this house we make lots of tacos. Everyone loves them, and it makes a lot which allows the always hungry teenage boy and my hubby who sometimes goes all day without eating to have a big meal. When I saw this recipe on Pinterest I thought it looked interesting, and not too much more work.


6 large flour tortillas
6 small corn tortillas (or tortilla chips)
1 pound ground beef
1 package taco seasoning
sour cream
nacho cheese (or shredded Mexican blend cheese)
shredded lettuce
diced tomatoes
Brown ground beef in a skillet, then add taco seasoning (according to package directions). Set aside.
Bake the corn tortillas in the oven at 400 degrees for a couple of minutes, until they are golden and crunchy.
Microwave the flour tortillas, one at a time (because they cool off quickly), for about 10 seconds to warm them up; this will make wrapping easier. You could also warm them up in the oven; just wrap them in aluminum foil and heat them up for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees.
Lay out the flour tortilla. Spoon some of the seasoned beef into the center of the tortilla. Top with some nacho cheese, or shredded cheese. Place the crunchy corn tortilla on top of the cheese/beef; spread a dollop of sour cream on top of it, then toss on some diced tomatoes and shredded lettuce.
Starting with the bottom of the tortilla, fold the edge up to the center. Continue doing this in a clockwise or counter-clockwise movement until all of the tortilla is folded over, and the filling is entirely enclosed. If your filling isn’t entirely enclosed and you have an open spot, simply cut out a circle from another flour tortilla and place it on the exposed area, then wrap the tortilla again.

Spray a frying pan with cooking spray.  Carefully place the Crunchwrap, seam-side down, in the pan. Press with a spatula and cook on medium-low heat, for about 3 minutes, until the bottom is nice and brown. Flip it over and cook for another 3 minutes. Serve and enjoy!

Recipe #2: Pumpkin Bars

Pumpkin Bars are one of my favorite treats for fall. When I used to go down to my dad’s house my step-mom would always have them made for me and I swear I could devour an entire pan in one weekend! Well this week I got the craving to make them, but couldn’t find the recipe anywhere. I finally gave in and googled a recipe, thinking I would just have to do with not so good ones. Well to my surprise I found my same family recipe (or so close that you can’t taste the difference) on Paula Dean’s website! Does this mean we are somehow related to Paula Dean??? Haha that would be amazing! I immediately pinned the recipe to Pinterest to share with everyone else on my Tried and True Recipes board.




  • 4 eggs
  • 1 2/3 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 15-ounce can pumpkin
  • 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda


  • 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
  • 2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Using an electric mixer at medium speed, combine the eggs, sugar, oil and pumpkin until light and fluffy. Stir together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and baking soda. Add the dry ingredients to the pumpkin mixture and mix at low speed until thoroughly combined and the batter is smooth. Spread the batter into a greased 13 by 10-inch baking pan. Bake for 30 minutes. Let cool completely before frosting. Cut into bars.

To make the icing: Combine the cream cheese and butter in a medium bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. Add the sugar and mix at low speed until combined. Stir in the vanilla and mix again. Spread on cooled pumpkin bars.

And that’s it! Wanted to share my two new recipes for the week! Please feel free to share any new recipes you have tried and love recently, and keep the pinterest love coming!!!


The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: November 9th

Here are the top 10 of the week!

Only 1 more I miss summer pic… and then I have to stop! But seeing this dress REALLY makes me miss summer!

I love the color of the TB flats! Reminds me of grown up ballet slippers 🙂

Isn’t this room pretty? I love the height of the headboard!

Cute pillow isn’t it? My client actually sent this to me and I love it!

I finally went to National Camera Exchange to get educated on what camera I wanted to buy, Cannon vs. Nikon, and the extremely help guy there convinced me that I actually should get the Sony A37… going to have to have major discussions with my bro and sis-in-law about this because I know they will have major opinions! What are your thoughts???

I pinned this for a friend who is building a house and wanting to do something after the fact to the fireplace. I would never put this on a backsplash, I can’t imaging cleaning it… but something similar in a larger scale could be nice for the fireplace and DIY friendly…

Alright, it’s just about time to decorate for the holidays. I don’t know why I am lacking motivation this year… just feels to soon, and yet we are into mid-November already! So the next images are to get my behind in gear!

For some reason I am really into rustic/natural holiday decorating this year… this is a cute way to mix it in without going over the top!

Front entry look?

Louie is too small this year, but I cannot wait to start all the holiday activities next year! This is such a cute idea, wrap 25 separate items and each day they pick out a holiday activity to do as a family that day!

I have an addiction to boxwood… I want to rip out all of my landscaping and plant boxwoods EVERYWHERE! Every year I tell myself I’m going to buy boxwood wreaths for Christmas, maybe this will be the year I finally do it!

The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: October 19th

Here are my top 10 of the week!

Been doing a lot of DIY this week! Blog posts to follow! Here is a fun DIY we might have to try- a cute way to decorate an office or area of a basement…


How cute is this! For when babysitters come over…


Wanting to organize the office space we do have, isn’t this a cute idea?


My favorite thing to drink for the holidays- how cute is this? And sounds like the recipe is REALLY good!


Sweet and sour chicken recipe- I’ll have to try this one!


Definitely doing this for our next wreath, so cute and easy!


I’ve heard this book is good, anyone else read it yet?


A very inexpensive way to decorate for weddings or holidays- baby’s breath, not done tacky!

Love wine cellars! This is so unique!


Going to a wedding tonight, wish I had this to wear!


That’s it! Until next week, happy pinning!

The Most PINTERESTING Thing of the Week: October 12th

Here are the top 10 of the week!

Working on a lot of mudrooms right now… and the topic often comes up, closed storage vs. open storage. Nice to be able to hang your coats quickly, but then does it always look messy?


I’m always looking for good ways to make a kitchen more functional. I’m HUGE on kitchens being organized, and having a spot for everything. Love this idea of having the baking sheets and pans in a drawer, and ORGANIZED!


Hello! An article on the lowest maintenance plants/flowers for a garden. I needed this!


I’m just in love with this door! So warm and inviting… just makes me happy!


Valentine’s Day pic?


Love this! I’m always shy about wearing bright colors, it doesn’t happen too often. But I love it on other people!!


I have to try this! If anyone knows if this works let me know! The main reason I don’t do my nails more is because I always scuff them and it drives me nuts!!


Wonder if it comes close? It’s worth a try isn’t it? Chipotle rice? Guacamole recipe? Definitely worth a try!


Best thing about fall? The food!



Until next time, happy pinning!