A Modern Living Room

A Modern Living Room

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom

A Feminine AND Masculine Bedroom

I hear time and time again from my clients the struggle with having a master bedroom that feels comfortable for both the husband and wife. Women tend to like soft light colors, which a lot of times makes the men feel like it’s “too girly”. Here is an idea board that ties the two together. Soft light colors mixed with fur, antlers, and masculine artwork. Brain storming today and thought I would share 🙂
masculine and feminine master bedroom

It’s in the details…

Can you believe today while grocery shopping at Target, I was inspired to complete the final details of a family room for a fun young couple I’ve been working with! Sometimes its the accessories and finishing touches that can slow me down the most. Trying to catch the feel of the family, the livability and style of the space… and working within a budget! I mean, if budgets didn’t exist, I think there would be a lot more people that could do my job… no?
Well believe it or not, Target has some amazing pieces with great style. My favorite line being the new Threshold Collection. Fun, somewhat masculine pieces at a great great price.
So just thought I would share with you the design board… hopefully they like it as much as I do!